Pagadi Aattam Trailer: "Pagadi Aattam" is a crime thriller starring Rahman, Akil, & Gawrri Nandha, written & directed by Ram K Chandran and Rahman essays an investigating officer, who probes into the series of crimes on the online space meted out to women.
Pagadi Aattam Movie Official Trailer |
Speaking about the movie, director Ram K Chandran, a former assistant to ace filmmaker, Mahendran, says, “In today’s scenario, with the advent of technology, cyber crimes, especially on women, have been on the increase. The film revolves around two characters, Rahman, who plays a bold auto driver, and Gowri Nanda.
Pagadi... also conveys a point! Though it has a sensitive subject, I have made the film in such a way that it will attract the family audiences as well.” Akhil, who was seen as a baddie in the recent film, Ilami, appears in a crucial role. The movie has been given a U certificate and actor Atharvaa unveiled the Pagadi Aattam trailer on his twitter handle on Friday.