Actress Yami Gautam demonstrated vertical underwater training on the occasion of International Yoga Day in Mumbai. The Yami Gautam took a dip in the swimming pool dressed in a full-sleeved top and cropped tights. Her hair was done beautifully in a braid.
"When you hear 'water workouts' I'm sure you start picturing swimming laps! However, this water workout is completely different; in fact, you don't even need to know how to swim since it's performed in the shallow end of a swimming pool", said Yami Gautam at the event
Yami Gautam Hot Swimming Suite Yoga Video
Tags: Yami Gautam Swimming Suite Yoga, Yami Gautam Hot Swimming Suite, Yami Gautam Yoga Video, Yami Gautam Yoga, Yami Gautam Hot & Wet Swimsuit.