The first season of Kamal Haasan's Bigg Boss Tamil has been kick-started from Sunday, 25 June. The inaugural episode was a grand event that introduced all the contestants to the audience. The 15 Contestants who have entered the house of Bigg Boss Tamil. The inaugural episode took off at 8.30 pm with Kamal Haasan taking the viewers on a small tour of the house.
The superstar Kamal Haasan explained all about the house and amenities that 15 contestants will get during their stay in Bigg Boss Tamil. It was followed by the grand entry of the participants one after the other into the house. The curtains for the first show were dropped around 11 pm.
Here Meet The Bigg Boss Tamil Contestants
Tags: Bigg Boss Tamil 15 Contestants, Bigg Boss Tamil Contestants, Kamal Haasan’s Bigg Boss Tamil, Bigg Boss Tamil Contestants List.