Actress Priyanka Chopra currently has two Hollywood projects in her hands. After her role in Baywatch, she has signed two films A Kid Like Jake and Isn't It Romantic. Her latest set of pictures with her Isn't It Romantic co-star Rebel Wilson is doing the rounds of fan pages. This film also stars Liam Hemsworth and Adam Levine.
Priyanka Chopra will play a yoga ambassador, Isabella. the movie under the direction of Todd Strauss-Schulson. The film is set for release on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2019. It will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros Pictures, a Warner Bros Entertainment Company.
The photos of the shoot are out and Priyanka Chopra seems to have established a special rapport with Australian actor Rebel Wilson known for Pitch Perfect musical comedy series of films. She was seen happily chatting with Wilson on the sets of the romantic comedy film. There were also a few shots of Priyanka Chopra with Adam Levine.